Maybe His Face Is On The Bus

Ok, this probably doesn’t deserve a blog post of its own but I think it’s hysterical, it wouldn’t fit on Twitter, and I block Facebook when I’m trying to get work done (even if, as now, that work is Shakespeare research).

I found the following conclusion on a page of facts about our dear Shakespeare:

William Shakespeare is one of the most identifiable icons of England. Others include members of England’s Royal family, Westminister Abbey, Big Ben, and red double-decker buses.

(Spelling is as I found it.)

I’m glad to see the world’s greatest poet and playwright made the top five!  The mind boggles at the logic that went into choosing that particular list.  The Queen? Princess Diana?  William and Kate?  Nah, just make “members of the Royal family” one item.  But then we only have four items, and it should really be five.  I know, how about those big double-decker busses!

One of, indeed.


Ok, I’m going back to work now. Lunch break over.

3 thoughts on “Maybe His Face Is On The Bus

  1. 'Buses'. Spelling is correct; 'Buss' means a kiss or to kiss. 'busses' is accepted as an American plural variant of 'bus' so, "technically" speaking, both are correct.

    "Big double-decker busses" might raise the eyebrows of a few Brits. πŸ™‚

  2. You got me there, J πŸ™‚ But when I said "spelling is as I found it" I was also thinking about the placement of "Westminister" Abbey on the list πŸ™‚

  3. Ha! I didn't even notice that one. Scanned it quickly and simply–but erroneously– read it as the place I've heard of.

    I wonder if Abbey, Minister of the West, takes the buss to Win-Chester's Cathedral?

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